Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Boy/Masculine Cards

Good morning.  If you are anything like me, I work better with a goal in mind.  For the rest of this month, I have decided to make only male/masculine/boy cards.  So many of the Send a Smile 4 Kids volunteers need this type of card, regardless of the actual theme, so I decided to help out where I could.  (BTW:  I am one of those volunteers who need male cards of all themes. Hint, hint...)  Here are a few I have come up with so far:

(So many scraps were used in making these cards)
A few will have sayings on them, but the majority will be without sentiments.  That allows for the card to be used for a variety of occasions, depending on what the sender needs.  

Tip of the Day:  The last card above, the one with the football, is my inspiration for today's tip.  The background piece comes from a pad I bought at Michael's years ago.
It came in 4 different sports themes so of course I bought two of each.  Thank goodness I did as I have not seen these since.  The bad thing about these pads is that the paper is extremely thin.  Using my ATG caused the paper to wrinkle and not look good.  So, I used a combination of double sided tape around the edges and Rubber Cement in the middle of each piece.  

Are you familiar with Rubber Cement?  It is perfect for this type of "problem"  I also use it on rice paper and vellum.  The BAD thing about Rubber Cement is that it is a contact glue.  You put a very thin layer of glue on each piece, wait a few seconds for it to dry and then press together. It adheres immediately and permanently - no time or room for moving if you make a mistake.  But, your thin paper will be flat and you will not be able to see adhesive through the paper.  I don't have too many papers I use this with, but when it is thin, this is my "go-to".  

Thank you for stopping by today.
Hugs, Jill


  1. You must be mind reading. I am doing man cards this month too. Also making man cards in my card class in June. Ginna be manly madness!!

  2. So many people have trouble with Male/Boy cards, what great inspiration, love your cards! :)

    1. Thanks. Hoping our card makers will share male cards with all our volunteers at SAS4K!

  3. This is always a major mental block for me as I think girly girl all the time for my cards. So you have challenged me with this one but your cards are such an inspiration to me. I have to get started soon. Big hugs

    1. So many times a card can be turned from "girly" to "manly" by changing the color scheme. Browns, blues, greys, etc. are all good masculine colors. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
